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Download - Death

I talked to Nate about his music in his Brooklyn apartment while his roommate hammered at a guitar pedal, trying to fix it. "Hell" will be posted next week along with part 2 of the interview.

LL: When did you record these songs?
NB: They were made at a similar point. They are actually recorder a few days a part. So “Death” was recorded a couple days before Christmas, then “Hell” was recorded a couple days after Christmas while I was in Pennsylvania at my mom’s house.
LL: Are they Christmas songs?
NB: I wouldn’t say so. I wouldn’t say that Christmas feels like death or hell to me. I kind of enjoy it, but some people might get a kick out of that.
LL: Are they home songs? Do you think you wrote them because you were at home or were they something you were thinking about before and that is just when you happened to have time?
NB: “Death” was definitely just on the spot. I was actually having a pretty crappy day. It was the first full day I had been home. I had gotten there the day before and no one else was there yet and I was really bored all day. I couldn’t leave the house because I didn’t have a car to use so all I was doing was watching T.V. and using the Internet. I started to feel a little crazy by the nighttime and couldn’t sleep. I was almost going out of my mind and needed a way to channel it I guess. Something to do to distract me from the way I was going crazy and it all went into the song.
LL: How did you make the song?
NB: The song is done in two parts - both parts were completely improvised. The part that I did first is the noise that you hear.
LL: The static?
NB: Yeah that’s done on the spot with my computer. It’s actually a recording of a bunch of different videos and I was switching back and forth between them really quickly. I was trying to make something out of it, kind of in that death mind frame that I was in, kind of going crazy on it. And then I improvised the piano on my computer.
LL: So it was all done on the computer?
NB: It was all done on my computer, yeah. None of those sounds are real instruments.


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i like this

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