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The Heimlich

The night surges forwards and backwards. At one point it's 3 AM and I am at my laptop diligently punching keys. My roommate kicks my door down. The hinges are old. A horrendous creak sounds and the screws rip the wood off.

“Quick! Do you know the Heimlich?!”

I respond in the affirmative, so he grabs the cat by the hind legs with one hand as he shoves a dead bird into the cat's mouth. Luckily, the cat, which from now on will only be referred to as “it,” bites down and swallows the bird whole. “I... don't know if I know how to do it on cats though.”

I lied earlier. I said yes to my roommates question, when in truth I should not have. I've never had any classes or anything. All I know about it is what I learned from TV and informational pamphlets in restaurants. I could look it up, but I learn by doing. Like the time I took apart a two-stroke moped engine or lost my virginity. My roommate leaves when I'm not looking.


mathleen said...

this ends awkwardly, wheres the rest?

& i can barely see the detail in that drawing

lowlog, respect your artists

Low Log said...

Sorry that you feel that way. If you're unsatisfied with this post, go on to another! We hope you will find something you like.

You can enlarge the image by clicking on it!

Anonymous said...

odd that a persons would write: "this ends awkwardly, wheres the rest?" and then still feel like they are in a position to ask
another person to show greater respect for artists? what would respect for an artist look or sound like? silence? clamor? is it more disrespectful to publish something that "ends awkwardly", to publish an image that you can "barely see the detail", or to publish nothing at all?

mathleen said...

sometimes it might be better not to be published at all,
despite the point you're trying to make that this story (which seems heavily edited away) is better off seen in its hacked off form, than not at all, but to me it is the same thing
it isnt being properly read/represented so its just like it wasnt published at all

i understand that the image is a hotlink and leads to a larger space, i am mostly speaking about the democracy of the space concerning text with images.
these are two different works by two different people
and it seems that the other images on the site receive quite more space and that this visual artist just got to be someone's thumbnail decoration
my concern as an artist and as a person behind a web project that uses other peoples images, one should want to give enough respect and space to each art object that is published, especially if its with someone's work
its a beautiful give take relationship that both the publisher and the artist are in. without submissions, the publisher has no content. without a venue, the artist has nowhere to share work. but if the venue doesn't respect work, one cant expect great submissions.
i was thinking about submitting visual work here, but horrified at the idea that i could be a complimentary thumbnail to someone's written piece while there are childlike illustrations that have a whole entry to themselves. i understand this is editor's choice (and its also lowlogs first year, submissions always pick up as time moves on), but some of these choices make me uneasy as a viewer and possible submitter

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