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Michael Pollock 
314 South Third Street #18 · Brooklyn, NY 11211
(650) 773-5607 · michaeljpollock@gmail.com

Academics          Sarah Lawrence College  Bachelor of Arts, May 2009
Concentration: Literature and Creative Writing                         
Columbia University  Junior 'Visiting' Year, Fall 2007 to Spring 2008

San Mateo High School  San Mateo, CA, Diploma, 2004

Experience          LowLog.com ·Founder & Contributing Editor 
                         February 2010 to August 2011
Curate, edit, and publish twice weekly posts for arts and literature website. Also plan quarterly artist, author, and music showcases that bring the online readers together in real life. (Can now be found at low-log.blogspot.com.)

AlteredZones.com · Bullett Magazine · InterviewMagazine.com
· Freelance Writer
January 2011 to December 2012
Create and maintain relationships with artists, publicists, and editors to conduct interviews and write reviews for national publication both in print, and online.

One Story · Contributing Editor & Workshop Coordinator
May 2011 to November 2014
Work along side editors, and authors to prepare stories for national publication. Edit manuscripts, draft promotional and cover copy, and write internal submission reports. Organize a week of daily workshops, craft lectures, professional publishing panels, and special events that helps support a nonprofit magazine.

Skills                  Software: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, Adobe Suite, Final Draft, Final Cut Pro. Web: Experienced in Internet research, web design, SEO, and social media. Languages: Fluent in Hebrew, and Spanish.


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